Cultural Events & Intellectual Discussions

For more than 160 years, 浩博体育app一直是塞林斯格罗夫地区创造性表达和智力讨论的丰富文化资源. As the premiere host of cultural events and performances, 大学很高兴能够丰富学生的体验,并为周围社区提供乐趣. From innovative human expression in theatre, 音乐和舞蹈,全球艺术和文物展览-以及更多之间-各种节目提供世界级的艺术, performances and lectures.

This year, 我们非常高兴地欢迎三个艺术家系列活动来到我们的舞台,以及其他备受尊敬的专业人士,他们将朗读他们的作品, feature their art, and lead lectures and discussions. 我们很自豪地展示我们的学生在戏剧和音乐表演, 声乐和器乐音乐会,并阅读他们的作品.

Be Our Guest

无论你是渴望观看我们邪恶的天才学生的表演,还是想被迷住, we invite you to be our guest.

Browse through our 2023–24 offerings below. 有些活动需要门票,可以通过售票处购买. Tickets can be purchased online,  in person or by calling 570-372-ARTS. 请参阅本页或致电售票处确认您计划参加的活动没有被重新安排.

Artist Series and Theatre Events

Purchase Event Tickets Online

Tickets can be purchased online by clicking the link below.


Purchase Event Tickets In Person or By Phone

观众可亲临售票处或致电购票 570-372-ARTS. Will call is available.

Arts & Events Calendar


The 2023–24 Artist Series

ADULTS: $20  |  SENIORS: $15  |  NON-SU STUDENTS: $5

US Karagöz Theatre Company Presents The Forest of the Witch

Sept. 12, 7:30 p.m.
Degenstein Center Theater

美国Karagöz剧院公司由艾汗·旭烈兀创立,是美国第一家传统的土耳其剧院, in 2017. 该公司的主要目标是在国际范围内展示传统的安纳托利亚戏剧, 特别关注被联合国教科文组织列为非物质文化遗产的Karagöz和meddah(安纳托利亚讲故事的艺术)传统. 旭烈兀首次将这种有着700年历史的Karagöz艺术形式带到了百老汇, 标志着这一传统艺术历史上的一个特殊时刻. The Forest of the Witch is an adaptation of a play named The Bloody Poplar of Muhittin Sevilen, here rewritten by Ayhan Hulagu.

Branford Marsalis Quartet

Oct. 3, 7:30 p.m.
Weber Auditorium

萨克斯管演奏家布兰福德·马萨利斯是当代音乐界最有影响力和最受尊敬的人物之一. The NEA Jazz Master, Grammy Award winner, 托尼奖提名者同样在家与交响乐团演奏协奏曲,并与感恩而死乐队的成员坐在一起, 但他的音乐世界的核心仍然是布兰福德·马萨利斯四重奏. 在经历了三十多年的人事变动之后, 这个著名的乐团因其对千变万化的原创作品、爵士乐和流行经典的毫不妥协的诠释而受到尊敬. After the Grammy-nominated Upward Spiral, 其中客座歌手库尔特·埃林无缝融入了乐队, the Quartet has followed up with the Grammy-nominated The Secret Between the Shadow and the Soul,其最广泛的情感和旋律驱动的集合到目前为止. 在最近的一次音乐会评论中,约翰·泽格纳(John Zeugner)捕捉到了四重奏在现场表演中的影响, calling it “casually confident, professional, cerebral, and supercharged with energy. 布兰福德·马萨利斯四重奏…都是这些形容词,甚至更多.”


April 16, 2024, 7:30 p.m.
Weber Auditorium

曾获格莱美奖的合唱团“大鹰合唱团”(Chanticleer)被《浩博体育app网站》(The New Yorker)誉为“世界男声合唱团”,并因其广泛的曲目和令人眼花缭乱的精湛技艺而在世界各地被称为“声音管弦乐队”. 1978年由歌手和音乐学家路易斯·波托在旧金山创立, 强啼克利尔迅速成为世界上最多产的录音和巡演乐团之一, 唱片销量超过一百万张,并为世界各地的观众举办了数千场现场音乐会. 强啼克利尔的曲目植根于文艺复兴时期,并不断扩大,包括广泛的古典, gospel, jazz and popular music, 并且对新作品和编曲的委托有着深刻的承诺.

More Arts & Events

Arts & Events Guide

本指南介绍了浩博体育app2023-24赛季的艺术和活动, which begins in September 2023 and concludes in May 2024.


2023-24 Arts & Events Guide

This is an image of Susquehanna University's Symphonic band.

Become a Friend of the Arts

支持萨斯奎哈纳河谷的艺术-成为浩博体育app艺术之友. Join us, 我们很高兴能在我们的艺术家系列活动中感谢您的慷慨. 捐款$250或以上的人士,亦可获得每个艺术家系列活动的入场券,以答谢我们的谢意.

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Arts and Events campus map thumbnail.

Campus Map

Use this map to easily locate Arts & Events building and venue locations. 

All venues are wheelchair-accessible.

The map includes parking information. 

Campus Map

Information & Details

Tickets and Discounts

艺术家系列及主舞台演出季演出需购票. Price categories are:

  • Senior: persons age 60 or older.
  • Non-SU Student rate: 18岁或以下或持有有效学生身份证明的人士.
  • All others are charged the adult rate.



Box Office

德根斯坦中心售票处位于德根斯坦中心剧院大厅. Click here to learn more about purchasing tickets. 

Parking and Other Information

萨斯奎汉纳大学的客人可以在韦伯教堂礼堂后面的停车场停车 for free during events (see campus map above). If that space is filled, there is an upper lot to its west.

All venues are wheelchair-accessible.



Wireless internet access is available throughout campus. 要访问SU GUEST网络,请注册您的设备(访问每天过期).

Contact Us

Susquehanna University

514 University Ave.
Selinsgrove, Pa. 17870

Get Directions


Box Office
Degenstein Center Theater, lobby

Campus Map


Hours: Monday–Friday, 12–5 p.m.